Register your Trademark
Get a discount on your trademark registration
Enter the code PROMO2023 and get a discount on your first registration in INDECOPI
Our service includes
Follow-up of the file
Procedure where all the details of the application are seen until the registration is approved
Does not include payment of registration fee
The payment of the registration fee of the trademark is a separate cost that is canceled with the same Indecopi and the registration fee lasts for 10 years
If it includes I.G.V.
The price shown in the ad contains the price with I.G.V. in case they require an invoice
Why should I register my trademark?
Registration makes the owner the owner of the trademark and is the only one who can use it.
The registration of a trademark in Indecopi ® is the most effective way to protect your brand against possible copies or imitations by those who want to take advantage of its prestige.
M-F: 8 am – 6:00 pm
Andrés reyes 338, Piso 2 oficina 107, San isidro
(+51) 915 085 540
(+51) 934 612 136